
Steel Repository Structure Industrial Building

Steel Repository Structure Industrial Building

1.Steel Sructure Meterial The reinforcing bars within the composite slab were kept the same for all series of tests. The composite concrete-steel slabs were formed by bonding steel plates to the soffits of reinforced concrete slabs by means of epoxy glue. In order to obtain full composite action the epoxy glue between the concrete slab and steel plate must be able to transfer the generated shear forces. To achieve the bond between the concrete and steel plate surfaces, the bonded surfaces had to be roughened. The concrete surfaces were roughened by either exposing the main concrete aggregate using brushes, chiselling the concrete paste layer to expose the main aggregate or by scabbeling the cement laitance to expose the main aggregate as per the epoxy supplier’s specifications. The mild steel plates were sand blasted with a dry grid to a white metal finish in order to obtain a 100-140 micron blast profile as per the epoxy supplier’s specification. …