
Rail Turnout Laying Machine

Rail Turnout Laying Machine

Rail Turnout Laying Machine PRODUCT FEATURES This machine is a secial equipment used for turnout laying operation or the whole group of tumout litin operation one set of it can handle up to 240 tons. When the extra-large turmout is used, the liting cylinder can be added, and the liting fore can be increased. It solves the problem that the turmout is diicult to cross the curve during the repaccememt process, and is lining funcion enables the tumout to realie left and right displacement, which saves manpower and improves acunc and sfty. This product has passed the revicw of scntfi and tcological achievements of China Raiway Shenyang Bureau GroupCo. Ltd. BENIFITS ● The product has the functions of turmout replacement and tumout lifting operations ● It is suitable for various types of turmouts such as single-way turmouts, movable track turmouts, compound crossover turnouts, symmetrical turnouts, three-way turnouts, ete. ● The istlatin posit…