
Protein soy texturized tvp textured soy protein

Protein soy texturized tvp textured soy protein

Protein soy texturized tvp textured soy protein textured soy protein Product description Organic textured soy protein is made from defatted organic soy flake, it's a Light yellow flake with 100% purity, the normal size is 3-6mm, you also can reach us for more request. Organic Soy Protein textured is Non-GMO and totally EU & NOP Organic certified with COI Certificates, ash is less than 6.5%, and protein in dry basis is higher than 50%, TPC is normally less than 30000 cfu/g, welcome to offer us yours if you have special request. Soy is our current very hot organic tvp chunks, Moulds and Yeasts are less than 100 cfu/g, coliform is less than 30 cfu/g, Enterobacteriaceae is less than 10000 cfu/g, and negative in Escherichia Coli, Salmonella species, Staphyococcus aureus and Pathogenic. Specification Product name  Textured soy protein Latin n…