
Poultry Cooker & Dryer

Poultry Cooker & Dryer

Super cooker and drier realize the easy handling of odor process result, Connect improve our Batch cooker into Super Cooker&Dryer combined in one equipment. Clients are easy to operate the odor system, and processing is more stable. The working process is same as batch cooker for cooking stage, after cooking, the meal dried in same machine, no need discharge it and drying in dryer. The cooking time is about 1.5hours, and the drying time is about 2.5 hours. Water contains is around 10% after drying. Rendering plant including raw material handling equipment of raw material receiving silo, pre-breaker of large bones or dead animal body, raw material pumping system, rendering processing equipment of batch cooker, drying machine, transit hopper, fat press machine of fat press, oil stirring and heating system, centrifugal of oil purify, meal cooling machine ,  odor system of odor pipelines, cyclone, condensor, vacuum stat…