
Lighter automatic production line

Lighter automatic production line

Automatic production line feature set automatic up-down material, two times flame adjusting, press the finished lighters head fitting with body tank, two times flame adjust functions are performed by automatic equipment , don't need any labor.improve production safety and consistency, greatly reduce the staff, don't need people to control the quality, but the use of equipment to control the quality, less of choose and employ persons, higher yield, product quality more stable.  According to the production of the model to find assort fixture, and then debug the other parts of the machine such as insert spring, and other parts and install supporting products head and pressure bridge board parts。 ◆L*W*H:9.8M×1.2M×1M        ◆ Voltage:AC220V             ◆ Air pressure:0.6MP ◆ Weight:1830KG                         ◆ Capaci0ty:1-1.2ten thousand/h&nbs…