
High Purity Powder barium zinc stabilizer for PVC

High Purity Powder barium zinc stabilizer for PVC

Powder barium zinc stabilizer provides excellent thermal stability, which means it can withstand high temperatures without reducing or losing its stabilizing properties. This is particularly important in applications where PVC products are exposed to high temperatures, such as in building materials or automotive components. Secondly, powdered barium zinc stabilizer has excellent weather resistance, including resistance to UV radiation, moisture and temperature fluctuations. This makes it an ideal choice for PVC products for outdoor applications. In addition, powdered barium zinc stabilizer provides excellent color retention properties, ensuring that PVC products can maintain their original color even if they are exposed to sunlight or harsh environmental conditions for a long time. This is especially important for PVC products used in applications where aesthetics are critical, such as decorative items or signage. In addition, powdered barium zinc stabilizer has good compatibility with…