
Hi-speed Intermittent Side Sealer and Shrink Tunnel


Hi-speed Intermittent Side Sealer and Shrink Tunnel

Hi-speed Intermittent Side Sealer and Shrink Tunnel Hi-speed Intermittent Side Sealer Technical Features High Speed Intermittent Side Sealer structure, continuous sealing motion by side sealing system without limit for product length. Suitable for hi-speed packing and long products. HMI with iconic operation interface, technical parameters recordable, easy to operate. Servo-driven cross sealing, other motors controlled by inverters, hi-speed design with capacity 20 up to 65pcs/min. One-piece heat-resistant alloy blades, Dupont Tefloncoated, anti-adhesive and easy to clean, strong seams. Tunnel Technical Features Blowing system installed below  with the whole shrinking process visible through the heat-resistant window. Conveyor speed and air volume controlled by inverters, wind hole openess and blowing direction adjustable. Chamber can be opened, easy for cleaing and maintenance.…