
Fine craftsmanship electric recreational tricycle

Fine craftsmanship electric recreational tricycle

Our electric recreational tricycle stands out among the competitors all over the world. We have sold them out to many countries. This electric tricycle is robust and made to withstand the rigors of daily use, it can travel up to 55 kms on a single charge and reach a top speed of 30 km/h which makes it ideal for a personal or even commercial use including grocery getting, commuting, courier, or just for fun times. BBX-KD is a multi-functional super quiet electric leisure tricycle, can carry 1-3 people, can enter the elevator, can be changable body, and worked like a multi-purpose electir tricycle. The tricycle is equipped with 650W super quiet motor controller, vacuum tires, aluminum wheels, high light, super quiet rear axle, etc.,and with the characteristics of beautiful appearance and easy to use.   Its detailed parameters are as follows: Model BBX-KD &n…