
EEC60L/M/H IP65 independent constand power supply


EEC60L/M/H IP65 independent constand power supply

· Feature ·IP65 LED emergency drivers are available in a variety of different configurations to meet the specific needs of the application. ·For example, some drivers may be designed to provide power for only a few hours, while others may be able to provide power for several days. In addition, the IP65 LED emergency driver may be equipped with backup batteries. ·Independent constant power supply emergency driver contains a battery that is charged by the building's main power supply, and in the event of a power outage, the driver will automatically switch to its battery power source, keeping the emergency lights on for several hours. ·What is ip65 led emergency driver An ip65 LED emergency driver is a specialized type of LED driver that is designed to provide power to an LED during a power outage or other emergency situation. This type of driver is typically used in applications where it is critical that the LED remain operational during an emergency, such as in exi…