
20DX 20D Digital Printing Fabric

20DX 20D Digital Printing Fabric

Digital Printing Fabric is generally used for printing silk and cotton fabrics. Currently,  Printed Fabric is mainly used on woven and knitted fabrics such as cotton, hemp, and silk, or fabrics with high content of the above components. Acid digital printing Acid digital printing is generally used for silk, nylon and other fabric printing; most of the acid dyes contain sulfonic acid sodium salt, which is soluble in water, bright in color and complete in color spectrum. It can be mainly used in the production of wool, silk and nylon dyeing, and can also be used in Chinese leather, paper, ink technology, etc. Pigment ink digital printing Pigment ink digital printing is used less, and most of them are foreign products. Now many people want to know what is digital printing fabric? What are the characteristics of the fabric? The above four types of digital printing are common equipment on the market. You can pay attention to the characteristics of the equipment according to your…